Finding the Right Pressure for your Massage Therapy in Longview, WA

Why Does Massage Hurt But Feels Good?

Massages hurt but feel great for various reasons. Whenever you get a massage, your body releases endorphins or “feel good” hormones into the body. You can get a similar endorphin rush from exercises like swimming, running, cliff jumping, or even riding roller coasters. The body naturally releases endorphins at times as a form of pain management.

Intense exercise leads to a lactic acid buildup and knotted muscles.  These knotted muscles can potentially cause pain and poor blood flow. You do not have to remain in pain or wait for the sore muscles to subside by themselves. Massaging these muscles helps increase blood flow and releases that buildup, providing sufficient oxygen to the muscle’s oxygen-starved parts.

Massages can also feel good because the body releases oxytocin, a natural chemical that can relieve pain and serve as an antidepressant.

You may also feel good after a massage as a chemical response to human contact. Handshakes embrace, and even cuddling are examples of human connection that are excellent sources of endorphins. Physical contact contributes to reducing stress, promoting well-balanced health, and improving mood. Massage plays a critical role in both mental and physical health.

Massage Pressure Levels

A massage is a combination of pressure intensity and strokes. The length of the strokes and amount of pressure differ depending on the type of massage. A Swedish massage, for example, will have different pressure from a deep tissue massage or sports massage. Some of the different levels of pressure for a massage include:

  •       Light pressure
  •       Medium pressure
  •       Strong pressure
  •       Deep pressure

When it comes to massages, pressure levels are a very subjective topic, and it depends on each individual’s tastes. That means it is crucial to communicate your tolerance and preference with your massage therapist. Some prefer and enjoy a light touch, while others prefer deep pressure. Different body areas may also require different pressure levels. A typical massage, therefore, can include a variety of pressure levels.

One of the most critical things about getting a massage is that you should feel comfortable enough to communicate with your massage therapist about the level of pressure that they’re applying to your muscles, body, etc. It would be best to speak up when you feel the pressure is not suiting your comfort level, taste, or need. You and your therapist should work together to create the ideal massage by discussing the process.

Schedule Your Next Massage Therapy Session with the Experts!

Family Chiropractic Care helps alleviate muscular pain and tension through the healing science of massage therapy and integrative medicine. Our licensed massage therapists will customize your massage to suit your unique needs. Let us soothe your nerves, loosen your tight knots and muscles, and boost your circulation. Our goal is to help you feel revitalized, relaxed, and refreshed.

Contact our friendly team at Family Chiropractic Care to schedule a therapeutic massage experience today. Dial to discuss your needs.