Getting Deep tissue massage in Longview, WA is the perfect complement to chiropractic care. Conveniently located in Longview, WA, Family Chiropractic Care provides deep tissue massages right in our office. Chronic pain, especially in the lower back, is often a result of deep muscles and fascia, or tissues, that normal chiropractic care simply cannot reach. We provide care that will help restore some of the stresses & tensions that you may be carrying in your muscles, and other areas. Contact our Longview chiropractic office today at!
Recommending a deep tissue massage depends on your needs. Our massages are meant to target problem areas and provide the following benefits:
Massages will also help with posture-related problems, headaches and muscle spasms. These are all commonly seen after injuries. Reliance on medications is also reduced as a result of the pain-reduction benefits of massage therapy.
Injuries lead to muscle tension and adhesions. Muscle tissue, ligaments and tendons will often experience pain due to inflamed tissue. A block in circulation and increased pain will limit a patient’s overall mobility and lead to further, unwarranted pain and longer recovery time.
Deep tissue methods target adhesions. As the muscles and tendons are worked on, blood flow is able to return to the injured area. This will promote the healing process, relieve pain and restore the movement that has been lost after an injury.
The faster that a massage takes place, the sooner your body will be able to heal.
A Deep tissue massage can be mildly uncomfortable for the first few minutes. Through slow strokes applying finger pressure, the therapist is able to work across the grain of the muscle.
It is recommended to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and wear lose-fitting clothes during your visit.
When combined with chiropractic care, massage therapy in Longview, WA allow for spine alignment to take place and muscle relaxation to further correct the alignment. These procedures can both be performed right in our office.
We are located on Hudson Street in Longview, and just a short drive from Kelso, WA. Call family Chiropractic Care at to schedule your appointment. Become our next success story today!