Family Chiropractic Care offers the latest in techniques for massage therapy in Longview, WA to effectively treat sports injuries, pains, aches, and much more. We have licensed, professional therapists on staff that will assess your needs and provide services that will relieve stress, loosen muscles and even reduce pain.
As your choice for massage therapy in Longview WA, we pride ourselves with offering numerous massage procedures. Our therapists are trained in the following areas:
Hot Stone Massage: A variation of our typical massage, hot stone massages incorporate flat stones placed on precise areas of the body. The stones begin to heat the muscles while the
therapist is working on a specific region of your body. This allows your muscles to loosen even further and can be utilized for anything from back pain to stress or arthritis.
Essential Oils: Commonly referred to as aromatherapy, essential oil is added to the oils used during a massage. Depending on the oils, you may feel energized, calm, decongested or the oils can be used for a body cleansing. After speaking with you, we will combine the correct oils to ensure that you get the most out of your massage.
Deep Tissue Massage: Aches and pains are often a result of deep tissue. A deep tissue massage will attempt to reach deep layers of the muscles and realign them along with connective tissue. This massage type will help with pain, limited movement and circulation issues as well as many others.
Our therapists trained in relaxing massage therapy in Longview WA have the skills and experience to work with patients of all ages. We offer you the ability to work with the same therapist every time you come into the office. As a chiropractic clinic, it is our firm belief that our patients benefit the most when a chiropractor oversees the massages given.
Our therapists are overseen Dr. Still to ensure that you always receive the utmost benefits from your massage. We believe that a whole approach is the best approach for our patients. We can help you overcome aches, pains, discomfort or anxiety with a precise massage that is tailored to your needs.
Contact us today to schedule a massage with our highly trained staff. We can advise you on which type is best for your ailment!