Neck pain seems to be a common complaint that most individuals shrug off as a normal part of daily life. However, neck pain should not be ignored as it is typically the result of one or more issues that can be successfully treated with exceptional chiropractic care. If you suffer from neck pain, it’s time that you start feeling relief – the expert team of Family Chiropractic Care, led by Dr. Rick Still, can relieve your neck pain and address the root cause of your discomfort to improve your overall health.
The neck is often a site of discomfort as spinal and postural problems cause the neck to contort as it is one of the ways in which the body attempts to compensate for misalignment and discomfort elsewhere. There are many causes of neck pain, such as poor posture, repetitive movements, spinal misalignment, injury, poor hydration and/or an active inflammatory disease.
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The Family Chiropractic Care team will conduct an in-depth examination to determine the possible causes of your neck pain and create a customized treatment that will support you whole body wellness. Your treatment plan may consist of a series of spinal adjustments, various massage techniques, and nutritional guide to follow at-home.
Find the solution to your neck pain by contacting the Family Chiropractic Care team today by calling 360-636-2636. We help you live a pain-free, more fulfilling life with a treatment plan designed with you in mind!