Back pain comes in many forms. Some patients experience intense pain, while others have nagging, constant, but dull pain. If you have back pain, you will be among 8 out of 10 people in America that suffer from back pain at least once in their life.
Muscle Spasms: Often found in the lower back, muscle spasms are typically the result of an injury. Muscle spasms can cause erratic pains to occur.
Strains and Sprains: Incorrect lifting, sports injuries or bending down the wrong way can cause strains and sprains that are often dull and achy.
Disc Injuries: Trauma can cause discs to rupture or degenerate and cause more severe pains.
Sciatica: Often found with those that have to sit for long hours at a time, sciatica causes leg and back pain due to nerve pressure.
Treatment will occur with a whole person approach. We will first diagnose your pain and come to a clear understanding of what has caused your ailment. Afterwards, we will decide on the appropriate treatment that will allow you to manage your pain and ultimately overcome it through precise, effective chiropractic methods. Our physician is knowledgeable, and has treated back injuries, and problems out of our Kelso chiropractic office for many years.
We use various approaches to ensure back pain is treated as quickly as possible. The two recommendations we offer most are:
From exercises to advanced spinal correction, the treatment used for your back pain will be tailored to your needs. As a chiropractic office, we are able to provide corrective exercises, lifestyle advice and even a nutritional assessment to ensure that your back injury is eliminated.
We also offer spinal and postural screenings.
Often ideal for muscle spasms, pain and tightness, we have 5 massage therapists on-site that will coordinate with our chiropractic recommendations to further help the healing process. Every massage therapist on-site is licensed.
Through our unique approach, anyone suffering from back pain in Longview and Kelso will be able to find the relief they need to get through the day.
If you are suffering from back pain, contact Dr. Still at Family Chiropractic Care to schedule an appointment. We offer consultations with our experienced Longview Chiropractor.