Top 3 Exercises to Avoid with Neck Pain

The neck is a very sensitive part of the body and should be treated with care. Of course, this goes without saying but the neck is one of the most critical parts of your body. You probably understand how debilitating neck pain can be if you have ever experienced even a slight form of neck pain. Most people never want to experience even remote aspects of neck pain as it can certainly hold one back and keep them moving at a slow pace.

Indeed, from driving from one location to the other to even walking with confidence, one can see that moving without neck pain surely makes a significant difference. Many many realize the value of a healthy neck only when the neck pain begins.

Yet, it is normal to experience an occasional twinge in your spinal or shoulder region when you have neck pains. However, things become more complex and frustrating when you are experiencing constant neck aches and you have to engage in more strenuous physical exercises.

How do you solve it and prevent neck pain?

In essence, taking a few hours hitting the gym and remaining active have been noted as critical ways of keeping stress at bay while activating the muscles of your back region like the Rhomboids. However, there are situations that you may worsen your neck pains when you engage in poorly chosen physical exercises. Remember, neck pain can be challenging and may arise whenever injured, stressed, or when one adopts poor posture.

Here are some of the exercises you need to avoid while battling your neck pain.

1. Sit-ups put a lot of pressure on your neck

Sit-ups can be very helpful in strengthening essential vertebrae like the rectus abdominis (the outer visible part of your abdominal muscles). In particular, you will have to lie on your back with your feet flat and your knees bent. Even though sit-ups could be very beneficial to your abdominal or core muscles, they may present a significant problem to your neck vertebrae and muscles, mainly when you are in pain.

Remember, the physical activity associated with sit-ups can be detrimental as they will exert excessive strain on your neck. In addition, sit-up activities like putting your hands behind your head, forward bending, and using your hands to give your head and neck a pull may exacerbate the pain you may experience in your neck.

2. Pushups require too much strain on the spine

Pushups can be valuable strengthening physical exercises for your shoulders and upper body. In essence, pushups can be very useful in building your shoulder muscles, triceps, and pectoral muscles. In addition, they may also act as an essential tool in strengthening your core and lower back if done in the proper form.

Nonetheless, they may be the reason for your next visit to a health care facility if you overdo them or use poor techniques. Remember, pushups will need a lot of strain on the spine. This is never good for your neck as it is connected to the other parts of the body via the spine.

A typical pushup will involve exerting pressure on the upper fibers of your trapezius muscles as you shrug your shoulders towards your ears. As a result, the trapezius muscle will extend your neck or maintain a straight posture as you exercise.

Studies have noted that a person presenting with prior neck pain may aggravate the symptoms since the strains associated with pushups may cause damage to the trapezius muscle when exercising. It is best to recall that the trapezius muscle is triangular and runs from the backside of your neck down the middle of your back across the top region of your shoulders. Therefore, any damage caused to the fibers of your trapezius will have a direct negative effect on your neck and may lead to various issues.


3. Crunches put too much pressure on your neck

In particular, you must avoid stomach crunches that involve putting your hands behind your head. Remember, you will flex your spine under tension whenever you place your hands on the back region of your head when doing crunches. Such pressures may cause disc dislocations in the neck and vertebral column.

Similarly, it would help if you recalled that your neck muscles are already in pain, and crunches will only increase the amount of stress exerted on areas that are already sending warning signs.

Experts at Family Chiropractic Care note that you may take a different approach and replace crunches with simple exercises that will not exert a lot of pressure on your neck region. So what kind of exercise can you do? The right form or adjustments will include those like keeping your arms in a crossing position across your chest and sparing some time to lift your set of shoulder blades off your floor.

It is advisable to avoid sit-ups, pushups, and crunches any time you are experiencing neck pains. These three physical exercises are known to exert a lot of pressure on your neck muscles. However, physical therapy or chiropractic care from professionals like Dr. Still can be a great way to deal with a painful neck or spasms in your neck region.


Obtain Professional Medical Advice and Conduct the Right Neck Exercises

Remember that you do not have to settle for neck pain. The right professionals can assess your cervical spine, your tight upper trapezius muscles, and the overall core elements of your body structure.

If you are looking for upper back, core exercise suggestions, or neck exercises, a physical therapist or a chiropractor can certainly provide medical advice. These professionals can draw on some level of sports medicine and offer core exercises. The proper professionals will let you know about effective care, preventative habits, and certain exercises that encourage strength and robustness.

For instance, if you are looking straight ahead for the next best exercises that can help with neck pain, you can think about other activities. These activities may include low-impact aerobics such as swimming, cycling, or walking. Remember that distinct types of exercise can help increase blood flow to neck muscles and reduce neck pain.

In fact, scholarly evidence has shown a robust relationship between engaging in low-impact aerobics and minimizing neck pain. Similarly, they won’t add a lot of stress and strain on your neck muscles and the upper back region. In addition, the mediums used in low-impact aerobics like water (swimming) can be very effective sources of pain relief.

If you are looking for help with increased pain in your neck region or notice a slightly lower hunch as you walk, ensure to visit Family Chiropractic Care.

Neck Pain Experts in Longview, WA

We believe that the path to overall wellness starts with a holistic approach to pain management and relief. Dr. Rick Still, has been a licensed chiropractic practitioner for over 34 years.

Using advanced techniques and experience at Family Chiropractic Care, Dr. Still treats the entire individual to help remove and reduce the patient’s pain. This results in a better and more long-lasting treatment as pain and other issues are often exasperated by some lifestyle or diet choices.

Whether you are looking for core strength, good posture, or assistance with other muscles, remember that Dr. Rick Still of Family Chiropractic Care can provide a treatment plan that works for you. Contact us today at to schedule an appointment.